
Monday, March 14, 2011

Prayers are offered not only when there are calamities, it is only the time when we need it the most but everyday is a day to pray. We should know how to give thanks to our God for every morning, day and every breath He gives us, for all the blessings of hope, love and the presence of the people we love and we should be sorry for all the wrong things we've done. Everyday, talk to God and see how light you would feel, how satisfied you are and how you would be delighted in every seconds of your life. Praying gives us this feeling of warmth when we're cold, feeling of happiness after solving a problem, comfort after a sorrow. It's like a feeling when you passed all your subjects, the feeling of being satisfied or even being full after being hungry, relaxing after doing all your school works, and sleeping in silence at the end of the day. God is not only called when we are in need, when we are suffering, having problems and having hard times. We, people are hurt by the reality that there are people who will only remember us in times when they are in trouble or in need of something but when the times they are full of happiness and joy, it's as if we didn't exist. We should know how to talk to God every day of our lives, not just because someone said so, but because as the people of God, communication to Him is really a must and it is the right thing to do. If we can stay several hours talking to someone on the phone, hurting our eyes staying at night just to chat with someone, and stand for hours when you met someone on the street just to have a conversation with him/her, what more having time to talk to our Creator, to our Father, to our God? Isn't it worthy after all? Isn't it a feeling of joy and happiness? Isn't it a feeling of comfort? Think. :))

Let's continue to pray for the people in Japan, Libya, and New Zealand. Let's ask for the guidance of God to keep all of us away from harm or danger and to let peace and love enter each and everyone's heart. God bless people! 

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