
Friday, December 27, 2013

Didn't have it?Don't worry, it's not meant for you.:)

IF YOU DIDN’T HAVE WHAT YOU WANTED TO HAVE, DON’T WORRY, IT’S NOT MEANT FOR YOU. GOD HAS SOMETHING BETTER TO GIVE YOU. If you’ll just keep on regretting things, that means you’re not moving forward, you’re staying where you are and nothing new, nothing better is happening to you, in your life. Take a look at your worries at an eagle’s point of view, high up in the sky,everything seems so little to them unlike a worm’s point of view, smallest thing can be the biggest.

Also, “Be not afraid” as said several times in the Bible. Convert your worries into worship. Do these three to remove all your worries, “Wish, work, and worship.” Remember, “Worry is a problem magnet” as well as …”an energy magnet.” :)

God bless you.:)

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